But What are Branding Photos?

You may have heard these words floating around the online space. Things about branding photography, brand photoshoots, personal branding photos, branding portraits. But what are branding photos?

So in this post, I’m going to break it down and try to make it easier to understand. In a nutshell, branding photos is a “fancy” way of describing photos that are used to promote and market your business that showcase you and your brand.

what are branding photos

What are Branding Photos

The term “branding photos” has exploded over the last couple of years. With everything that happened in 2020, business owners who weren’t yet online, scrambled to get their web presence set up. People who already had websites reviewed and refreshed them with new photos.

There are several “interchangeable” terms that people use when referring to branding photos. This can include branding portraits, brand photos, personal branding photography, brand portraits, personal brand portraits…as you can see people call them by different things, but all mean the same thing.

At the end of the day, branding photos are photos that showcase you and your brand in order to promote and market your business and attract your ideal client or customer.

Branding Photos Set You Apart

Gone are the days when you can just use generic stock photos and blow up your business with sales. Especially for people who are in the networking marketing space, you have to stand out. You can’t just rely on the product photos from your company. There are thousands of people trying to sell the same thing you are.

Branding photos will help you stand out in a busy market.

You have to show your potential customer why they should choose YOU over someone else. And if you’re all selling the same product, the product is not the reason.

YOU are.

Custom photos that are branded to you and your business will enable you to set yourself apart from everyone else. Combine photos with video and potential customers can really get to know you.

Brand Photos are Marketing Photos


If you have a service or product to sell, then you need to market your business.

And while you can start out with stock photos and DIY photos, eventually you’ll need to invest in brand photos. Why? Because you’re not just selling a service. You’re selling your service.

People need to know your secret sauce. (You know, without actually telling them the secret sauce.) They need to know why they should choose you and why you’re worth it when they can essentially get the same thing from someone else for a fraction of the price.

Branding portraits tell the story of who you are, what you do, and how you do it.

Remember, YOU are the secret sauce of your business. There is only one you. Thousands of people can do the same thing, but ONLY YOU can do it the way that you do.

I know, it sounds cliche, but it’s true. YOU are what makes your business special.

Why do Brand Photos Matter?

You may be wondering why do brand photos even matter? I mean, in the grand scheme of things maybe they don’t really matter. Maybe you’re doing just fine in your business and don’t really see a need right now. And that’s okay.

However, if you’ve been where you’re at in business for a while and you’re ready to elevate your experience and want to increase your rates, brand photos can help you with that.


Well, if you’ve built a solid brand, excellent client experience, awesome customer service and the like, then you need visuals that match.

If someone comes across your website after hearing about you from a friend, they are in the market for your service, but your website doesn’t really seem like you can deliver on what you do for the price point you’re asking, then there’s a disconnect.

If you’re selling a high-ticket service, but your website looks cheap (yes, I said it), then how do you (without a discovery call) justify your premium pricing?

Branding photos will elevate your visual presence on your website. With minimal effort, you can start building trust with your potential client.

Marketing Photos with Personality

sales page with brand photos

Branding portraits are essentially marketing photos with personality. Now, you may have product photos, but are they generic and boring? Do you have some headshots, but are they basic?

Branding portraits have the ability to show your craft in a way that’s intentional and interesting. These marketing photos show your personality and are truly personalized and custom to you. No one will have branding portraits that are JUST like yours.

Branding Portraits are more than Headshots

Finally, you may be wondering how branding photos and headshots are different. Well, think of it this way. Branding portraits include headshots, but a headshot session would not include branding portraits.

A headshot session is simply that – headshots. Something you can use on social profiles, business cards, and your website. However, it’s limited in how it can help your business. It’s definitely a good start, but in order to market your business well, you’ll need more than a headshot.

Branding portraits are all encompassing of your business. They tell your story of who you are, what you do, and how you do it. These portraits speak to the client that you wish to serve. They give insight into who you are beyond your business. You can choose storylines that you want to include in your branding portraits that you can use pretty much everywhere from your website, social media, marketing campaigns, ads, collateral and more.


Personal Branding Photography – What You Should Know

How to Know When to Hire a Brand Photographer

How to Find the Right Brand Photographer for Your Business

How to Use Your Brand Photos


Step 1. Get in Touch – click here to get started

Step 2. Discovery Call – we’ll chat about your business and your vision for brand photos

Step 3. Book your Shoot – if we’re a “match” let’s get you on the schedule and start planning

what are branding photos

I’m Catie, and I’m a personal branding photographer for female business owners who are ready to stand out online and increase their impact and income.

I'm based in North Dallas, serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Here at Catie Ronquillo Photography, I provide strategic marketing photos that will help you grow your business.

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Meet Catie

I'm Catie! Brand photographer based in the North Dallas, Texas area.

I work with busy women CEOs who crave more thangeneric stock photos to promote their business. You want an effortless strategy to connecting with your ideal clients through personal branding photography




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