How to Find the Right Photography Business Coach for You

When I started my photography business, I felt like I was just figuring it out on my own through trial and error. There were many days when I didn’t know what I was doing. (I still feel like that sometimes!) And it wasn’t until I invested in a photography business coach and enrolled in her course that I finally felt confident in what I was doing.

Running a successful photography business takes more than just a good eye and a camera. It requires business savvy, marketing skills, and a solid plan for growth. That’s where a photography business coach can come in handy. Learn how to find the right coach for you and take your business to the next level.

How to Find the Right Photography Business Coach For You

photography business coach photos

There comes a certain point in your photography business (or any business really) where working with a coach becomes necessary. Perhaps you’ve established yourself, are serving clients regularly, but you know you’re ready for something more.

Or maybe, you want to explore different avenues within photography. Maybe you’re interested in changing or adding to your services and offerings. In my experience, I started out as a wedding photographer. I thought that’s what I wanted to do forever. I learned over a few years that wedding photography was not a long term endeavor for me.

When I sought to pivot my photography business to portraits, I sought educators and courses that could teach me how to structure my offerings in a way that was profitable. Getting started in the right way was important to me. Having a photography business coach helped because I could skip “just figuring it out” on my own. It allowed me to follow their proven steps to get where I wanted to go.

Determine Your Goals and Needs

Before choosing a photography business coach, it’s important to determine your goals and needs. Are you looking to increase your client base, improve your marketing strategies, or streamline your workflow? Knowing what you want to achieve will help you find a coach who specializes in those areas and can provide the guidance and support you need to reach your goals. Additionally, consider your learning style and personality to find a coach who can effectively communicate and work with you.

Before you invest a dollar in a course or a coach, be clear on what it is you hope to get out of the experience. It’s a great time to take a look at your business, where you’re at, and evaluate where you need most help. Is it with pricing? Is it with posing? Figure out what you need the most help with and seek a photography coach who can help you fill that gap.

Research Potential a Photography Business Coach

When looking for a photography business coach, it’s important to do your research. Start by asking for recommendations from other photographers or industry professionals. You can also search online for coaches who specialize in your specific needs and goals. Once you have a list of potential coaches, take the time to read their bios, testimonials, and reviews. This will give you a better understanding of their experience, coaching style, and success rate with clients. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them directly to ask questions and get a feel for their personality and communication style.

Ask Questions and Consider Your Options

One of the best ways to see if a mentor is for you is to check out their coaching style. That can be accomplished through consuming their free content, whether it’s YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok. If their content is good, then you can find out if they offer coaching or mentoring.

It doesn’t hurt to reach out to a photography mentor or photography business coach by email or social media. However, don’t try to get “free coaching” in their DMs. That’s the fast track to getting your message deleted. Keep in mind that not all photographers want to offer mentoring or coaching and only want to share their free content or in a paid course. And that’s okay!

Check for a Photography Business Coach’s Experience

When choosing a photography business coach, it’s important to see if they have experience. I’d recommend looking for someone who has at least two years more experience than you. That might be controversial, because some will tell you to find someone with multiple years of experience. However, I think it’s important to realize that you just need to find someone who is a few steps ahead and can help you.

Now if you’ve found a mentor who’s been in business for longer, that’s great! But be sure that the mentor you seek has the experience in the thing you need help with. It’s not going to help if you find a mentor, but your mentor has little to no experience with what you need.

Looking for a photography business coach?

photo of branding photographer; brand photo shoot checklist

Well, great news! In 2023, I started offering photography business coach services including mentoring, Voxer coaching, and a forthcoming business course! I know how hard it can feel to start and grow a photography business. You may have a handle on the photography part, but struggle with the business side. Or you may be okay with the business, but workflow has you stumped.

I’m here to help you with your photography business questions! My superpower and strength lies in over a decade of running a photography business and staying on top of the latest tools and technology. I believe the key to having a successful photography business is to have systems and workflows in place.

Do you have some burning questions that you’d love insight from a photography business coach? I offer Mentoring Power Hour Sessions for new and aspiring photographers. We’ll spend an hour over Zoom and I’m happy to answer any and all questions, nothing is off limits. Need workflow recommendations? I got you. Need someone to review your website? Let’s do it.

Now, if you’ve ever wanted a photography business coach in your back pocket, then Private Voxer Coaching is for you. Voxer is a voice-messaging app, much like a Walkie Talkie. And, it’s free to use! A 1:1 Private Voxer Coaching Day would look like reserving a day on the calendar and getting to work. You’d ask you questions and follow up questions. I’d reply to your questions. What’s the main difference between this and the Power Hour? The Power Hour is live while this is asynchronous – meaning you can ask questions on your own time (during that day or coaching window).

Finally, I’m super excited to announce a business course for photographers! This is for the photographers who need help with the business side of photography. Maybe you’re not sure how to pay yourself or how to price yourself profitably. Maybe you’re dropping the ball because you don’t have a good workflow in place. If this sounds like you, I invite you to join the Photography Business Blueprint Waitlist!

I’m Catie, and I’m a personal branding photographer for female business owners who are ready to stand out online and increase their impact and income.

I'm based in North Dallas, serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Here at Catie Ronquillo Photography, I provide strategic marketing photos that will help you grow your business.

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I'm Catie! Brand photographer based in the North Dallas, Texas area.

I work with busy women CEOs who crave more thangeneric stock photos to promote their business. You want an effortless strategy to connecting with your ideal clients through personal branding photography




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