How Personal Brand Photos Benefit Your Business

You may be wondering what the benefits of personal brand photography are. Well, there are lots!

At this point I probably sounds like a broken record! But thanks for sticking with me if you’ve been reading through my content. I appreciate you!

benefits of personal brand

How Personal Brand Photos Benefit Your Business

You’re building a business. You offer a service or a product and you want people to purchase from you. Seems simple enough, right? In theory, sure. In practice, not so much.

I’m willing to bet that there are other businesses that do what you do. And even if not exactly what you do, very similar product or service.

In order to differentiate yourself from other businesses, you need to show how you stand out. You need to show how your business is different. This is how personal brand photos benefit your business.

I’m talking to you solopreneurs, creative entrepreneurs, and other one-woman shows! You are the face of your business (or at least you should be!) and YOU are what sets your business apart.

You could probably talk all day long about your business. And you need to be the face and the voice of your business. Because even if you provide the same services or sell the same products as someone else, it’s going to have your unique spin on it.

Benefits of Personal Brand Photography


When you’re a creative entrepreneur or solopreneur service provider, your clients are working directly with you. Brand photography allow you to show your audience what it looks like and feels like to work with you, showcasing your brand story and your genuine personality. Brand photos are way more than just headshots.

What is more authentic than seeing a business owner in their element? Brand photography captures candid moments such as behind the scenes that no one gets to see, finding inspiration, meeting with clients, and your creative process.

blogger arranging flowers


Think of Target. Or Costco. Or Barnes & Noble. Each of these brands have brand recognition. You have thoughts and feelings toward these brands.

Brand recognition is valuable because familiarity builds trust and credibility with potential clients. In an ideal situation, when your target audience sees your social media posts or ads, you want them to think of you and your business. You want them to recognize your brand.

Brand photography allows you to stand out in your industry by incorporating what makes you unique in your imagery and build brand recognition.

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It’s important to present a cohesive image across all marketing platforms. Your branding should be the same on your website, social media, ads, press kits, print materials and any other marketing you do. Just like you wouldn’t use different logos, don’t use completely different styles of photography.

Brand photography communicates professionalism and a well-established brand because it is authentic, recognizable, high in quality, but most of all the photos present a cohesive image and message.

ministry branding photo


One of the best benefits of brand photography is that it allows you to raise your prices. Building a strong, recognizable brand and presenting a professional image communicates to your audience you are a leader in your field, and when you look professional you can charge premium pricing.

Plus when you are proud of the visual presentation of your business you can feel confident to state your prices. Believing in your worth is priceless!

benefits of personal brand photos


How would you feel to not have to compete to offer the lowest price for your product or service? Competing on price alone is a quick race to the bottom and burnout. And I’m guessing you want to avoid that.

Good news is that you don’t have to compete on price. In fact, brand photography can do just that because consistent, strategic branding leads to strong brand equity. Brand equity is the added value your products and services have that allow you to charge more compared to the same product or service that is generic and unbranded.

You can now focus on attracting clients that value quality and premium service. They don’t want the headache that comes with something cheap, and they love the feeling of luxury and exclusivity.

This is why some people will pay thousands of dollars for a Louis Vuitton handbag. When you see a woman carrying a Louis Vuitton bag, you know what that bag is worth (more or less) and that tells you something about her. Louis Vuitton has done an exceptional job of establishing a very desirable ad recognizable brand image, and they certainly do not compete on price.


Finally, brand photography can inspire your audience. The photography you use in your marketing is professional, but it also should present an image for your ideal customer to aspire to. Let them see what you can do for them.

If you’re an interior designer, show how you work with your clients, how you present your designs, and deliver an experience. If you’re a realtor, show your audience what they can expect when they work with you to find a home, closing day, and perhaps a new homeowner gift.

Clients are hiring you to add value to their life or business, and if you aren’t providing something that solves a problem, you are making their life more beautiful and enjoyable.

Make it easy for your customers to fall in love with your business by using custom styled brand photography, and show how your offering can allow them to live and work beautifully.

artist holding paper heart

Additional Benefits of Personal Brand Photography

Having personal brand photos allows you to show potential clients how you are different and help them decide if you are for them…or not. You want them to be able to self-select before they even hit inquire.

It’s true, we all want ideal clients to hit our inbox, right? And one of the ways we can do this is through sharing our personal brand. It doesn’t mean that you have to share your personal life. But it does mean that you share aspects of your brand story so that a client can make a connection point.

For example, I’m a huge Disney fan, I also love the show This is Us and Gilmore Girls. If someone browsing on my website hates Disney with a passion, can’t stand Gilmore Girls, and is happy that This is Us is over…there may be a possibility that we won’t be a good fit. Now this is a facetious example of the benefits of a personal brand, but you get what I’m saying.

Give people reasons to be attracted or repelled from you. It’ll help sift out lukewarm clients. And attract more clients who are begging to get on your calendar.


Personal Branding Photography – What You Should Know

How to Find the Right Brand Photographer for Your Business

When to Hire a Brand Photographer

How to Use Your Branding Photos


Step 1. Get in Touch – click here to get started

Step 2. Discovery Call – we’ll chat about your business and your vision for brand photos

Step 3. Book your Shoot – if we’re a “match” let’s get you on the schedule and start planning

how personal brand photography benefits

I’m Catie, and I’m a personal branding photographer for female business owners who are ready to stand out online and increase their impact and income.

I'm based in North Dallas, serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Here at Catie Ronquillo Photography, I provide strategic marketing photos that will help you grow your business.

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Meet Catie

I'm Catie! Brand photographer based in the North Dallas, Texas area.

I work with busy women CEOs who crave more thangeneric stock photos to promote their business. You want an effortless strategy to connecting with your ideal clients through personal branding photography




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