5 Important Spots to Use Branding Photos on Your Website

You may be wondering where to use your branding photos when it comes to your website. There are 5 important spots to use branding photos on your website. Once your branding photoshoot is complete, you’ll have some great choices for filling in your website.

Of course, Instagram and social media always seems to be the default place to share your brand photos. But social media is not the only place to use your branding photos.

Good news, you should be using your branding photos across all your platforms including your website, social profiles, online ads, email marketing, interviews, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more.

5 spots on your website to use your brand photos


#1: Use branding photos for the hero image on your home page

Pearl FP Catie Ronquillo Photography client Plano branding Session

This may seem obvious, but it’s important to point out. The first thing a potential customer should see is you and/or what your business does. Do you want their first impression to be of a random stock photo? (You can tell when it’s a generic stock photo.)

You want someone who lands on your website to see who you are (if you’re the face of the business) and what you do.

Here are a couple of ideas to get started:

  • Service Based Business: A photo of you working with a client or on a client project
  • Location-based Business: A photo of your storefront or office
  • Products: A photo of your main products, or a photo of using the product
  • Online and digital businesses: A photo of you with a laptop or computer or a personality photo

#2: Use branding photos on the sales & services page

Here’s the truth: people want to buy from people, not some random anonymous website. And when they hit your website, you want them to buy from YOU.

It’s why people trust reputable brands vs. lesser known or unknown brands. Have you ever been shopping on Amazon looking for a product and it gives you thousands of results, but most of them are from “brands” you’ve never heard of….and in order to confidently hit purchase, you have to read a bunch of reviews to check if the product is good? Yeah, that’s what happens when there’s no brand recognition.

You are the secret sauce of your business so you need to show who you are and what you do!

The types of photos you use may be similar to your hero image, but be sure that it’s different from your hero image. If you use a photo where you’re working with a client, try to use one with a different client than on your homepage.

So, if you’re still in the planning stage of your branding shoot and want to include “client models” make sure you have a few different people as options to sprinkle through out your website.

#3: Use brand photos on your about page


This page is about you, so make sure to include a photo of you! (I know, obviously), but I’ve seen lots of about pages where a headshot is totally missing.

I recommend adding a couple:

  1. A headshot of you. Let people see you – again, you are the secret sauce of your business.
  2. A photo of you working. This establishes your expertise.
  3. A fun photo of you. This can be anything! During your shoot, be sure to incorporate some personal touches. Do you love reading? Add a photo with your favorite books. Do you love painting as a hobby? Let’s capture those art supplies.

#4: Use branding photos on your blog

personal branding photography FAQs

If you write blog posts, then it’s a good place to use your branding photos and really personality your content. For informational posts, add detail shots, working shots, product shots, throughout the post.

Do you use Pinterest to pin your blog posts? Use your branding photos to create custom pin images and graphics.

#5: Use brand photos on your contact page

Yay! Your viewer has navigated to your contact page! (All small businesses rejoice when that happens!) Your viewer is now ready to get in touch.

Go ahead and add another photo of yourself on this page. It gives the viewer another connection point as they complete your contact form.

Wrapping up

These are my top 5 recommendations for spots on your website where can use your brand photos. If you are still in need of branding photos, get in touch with me.


Looking for more personal branding resources?

Personal Branding Photography – What You Should Know

How to Find the Right Brand Photographer for Your Business

How to Transform Your Website With Branding Photos

I’m Catie, and I’m a personal branding photographer for female business owners who are ready to stand out online and increase their impact and income.

I'm based in North Dallas, serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Here at Catie Ronquillo Photography, I provide strategic marketing photos that will help you grow your business.

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Meet Catie

I'm Catie! Brand photographer based in the North Dallas, Texas area.

I work with busy women CEOs who crave more thangeneric stock photos to promote their business. You want an effortless strategy to connecting with your ideal clients through personal branding photography




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