Women in Business: Debby Jewesson, The Roots Group

Let me tell you about my friend Debby Jewesson of The Roots Group. I first met Debby when she was launching her previous business, Branching Out Events. I remember vividly (even 15 years ago) going to her beautiful home in Kessler Park and marveling at her creations during her launch party.

It was that moment when I knew then, which still holds true today, that Debby is a force to be reckoned with…but in the most high energy and delightful humans I’ve ever encountered.

Debby Jewesson – The Roots Group

debby jewesson of The Roots Group - business coach for female entrepreneurs

I was thrilled when Debby and I reconnected last year and I learned that she sold Branching Out Events and launched her coaching business – The Roots Group.

Debby also just launched The Grove Gathering – a networking group for women looking for more than just referrals – connections and friends. It was a huge success! And there was a singular thread that connected everyone’s comments and I know it’s why the event was a hit and the turnout amazing – Debby. Her enthusiasm to connect people in her circle to others. Her passion for service and helping others. And the level of excellence with which she executes her projects.

Can you tell us about your journey as a female entrepreneur and what inspired you to start your business?

This is a big question, so I’ll try to keep my answer succinct. I started my professional career as a PE Teacher. When were moved to Dallas, I shifted from middle school to elementary kids, and realized I didn’t ever want to have children if I kept teaching. Given the choice, my husband was supportive of my exploring other careers. I chose floral design.

Long story short, I started at ground level and worked my way up. I’ve owned and sold two companies in the industry, the last of which I solely owned for 14yrs and built into an award-winning, employee-operated, well-oiled machine (in a creative industry, all without going to business school, no less). I started working with a Life Coach in 2015 to help me better manage my life. That experience was transformational for me.

I worked with her for 5 years and during that time, started managing my employees differently- taking more of a Coach-approach to my leadership. When I did that, I started noticing my employees taking more ownership in their role and becoming more empowered as workers and humans. When I noticed this shift within me, I knew I was ready to launch a Coaching and Consulting practice!

The Grove Gathering Kickoff Meeting March 2024 with Debby Jewesson The Roots Group

What is your business? What sets your business apart from others in your industry?

My business is The Roots Group, a Coaching and Consulting practice specializing in working with Female Entrepreneurs who have taken a talent, passion or hobby and transformed it into a legit business (all without going to business school). What sets me apart from other Coaches and Consultants are three very unique aspects of my background and experience:

1. I’ve been an Entrepreneur for 20+ years and have experienced the roller coaster ride. I like to say I’ve encountered (and conquered) just about every kerfuffle you can imagine- from people pleasing, hiding mountains of debt from my husband and even alcoholism and sobriety. I’m an open book when it comes to my journey, as it helps me easily relate to my Clients to establish a foundation of trust. From that place, Clients are more open and honest, knowing there’s no judgment from me, and they can safely start creating a way forward that works for them.

2. I am a Credentialed, holding my Professional Certified Coaching (PCC) credentials from the International Coaching Federation. I engaged in a 3 year program to become really good at Coaching (because my goal is to be GOOD, not famous). Over that 3 years, I logged over 240hrs of training courses, 80 hours working with Mentor Coaches (to help refine my capabilities) and over 500 hours working with paying Clients to qualify for the PCC exam. The exam is 4 hours long and scenario-based (it’s not easy). Receiving my credentials (and passing that exam to do so) was a huge milestone, as validation that I have the immense knowledge and understanding (of human development), skills and capabilities (as a Coach), to help others transform their lives!

3. This is my most unique quality, as I’ve found this is not common for other Coaches…I am a Coach and I have had (and continue to have) the support of many other Coaches to support my own growth and development since 2015. Why does this matter? I know what a transformational Coaching relationship sounds like, looks like and feels like. I have lived the process I am guiding my own Clients through, so I can offer that layer of relatability (especially when a Client needs to be reminded that creating change that sticks- can take time).

How do you define success? What does “success” look like for you?

Definition of success- when one can be in a state of satisfaction and fulfillment, and live in a state of flow, no matter what they’re doing (lie or work). Success looks like the ability to find purpose and meaning and lessons-learned from the good, bad and ugly moments of life/business, then transforming all that sh*t into fertilizer for growth- to create something better.

The Roots Group - The Grove Gathering networking event in Dallas, Texas

What are some lessons you’ve learned along the way that have helped shape your business?

Quality over quantity- sometimes less is so much more experiment and iterate- you never know what’s going to work unless you try authentic connection matters- establish common ground first, because you really care about the person, then get to the business stuff

Having a solid business foundation and a system for operating makes business so much easier and more enjoyable- for everyone involved! Having a solid personal foundation and a system for living makes life so much easier and more enjoyable- for everyone involved!

Take time to create a 1, 3, 5yr vision that’s connected with your Values, then plan your months, weeks and days in alignment with this vision- because taking action towards an inspiring, purposeful vision leads to a life that can be a fulfilling journey, not just a destination.

When creating sustainable change, consistency and commitment are key! It’s easier to delegate when you see others as capable. As a Leader, my business changed when I started taking 100% personal responsibility and having open & honest communication. When I showed up this way, my Team followed and the work became a helluva lot more enjoyable!

As a human interacting with other humans (whose actions I cannot control), I remind myself: everyone has choices and choices have consequences. Operating with this belief makes it easier to say and do the hard things, while not being attached to other people’s outcomes. Random list, let me know if you need me to expand on any of that.

Debby Jewesson - Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

What advice would you give to other aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to start their own businesses?

All of the lessons learned above- ha! also…

Establish a solid foundation for your business and implement operating systems within the first 3-5yrs. Without this, you’ll experience unnecessary stress. Operating a business doesn’t have to be so complicated, you just need a solid foundation and a smooth rhythm for operating. “Success leaves clues-” Jack Canfield. This is one of my favorite quotes, because it’s so true. If you want to be, do or have something, go find someone who already is, does or has that thing.

Set up a chat with them and ask about their journey. Utilize the expression of authentic gratitude as your #1 marketing and sales strategy. People don’t need more “stuff.” A heartfelt message- handwritten note, audio text or email- goes a long way. If you can’t keep up and feel like you’re drowning, find and reserve time to get your sh*t together. I call this a system slow down. Good things can come from slowing down, stepping back from the daily grind and getting clear about what you do and do not want. When it comes to advice, I’d be a fool not to mention Coaching.

I personally worked with a Life Coach for 5 years, and still work with Coaches from various niches who support me today. Coaching conversations are so powerful, as they help an individual access their own internal wisdom so they can design actions to move themselves forward. The result- confidence and empowerment. Those are really important characteristics to develop and embody as a Business Owner.

What role does personal branding play in your business and how do you leverage it for growth?

I see branding as who I am, what I do and how I do it- my Company Core Values, mission, niche, uniques, guarantee and The TRG Client Journey. How do I leverage this for growth? Well, first I made sure I got real clear about all that branding stuff I mentioned- that’s all part of my Company Vision, an essential ROOT of a solid business foundation. Goals are also part of my Vision, however I wouldn’t consider that “branding” elements.

When I create my Sales & Marketing Strategy (and design actions quarterly and monthly), I make sure all those Vision components are aligned with the actions I’m committed to taking consistently (because otherwise, I may go willy-nilly off track and find myself on a hamster wheel of doing for the sake of doing, instead of doing for the sake of vision and goal fulfillment). So bottom line is…my branding elements help me stay on track, moving towards my vision and the fulfillment of my goals.

Find Debby and The Roots Group online

The Roots Group Coaching

Instagram: The Roots Group on Instagram

Personal Branding Resources

The Difference Between Headshots and Personal Branding Photos

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Personal Brand

I’m Catie, and I’m a personal branding photographer for female business owners who are ready to stand out online and increase their impact and income.

I'm based in North Dallas, serving the greater Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Here at Catie Ronquillo Photography, I provide strategic marketing photos that will help you grow your business.

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